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Meet Michael E. Mayden also well known as "The Coach" and former MLB Scout, collegiate, high school and travel baseball coach. Coach Mayden has an impressive 40 year career in the world of baseball. He has served on the Chicago Public Schools Local School Counsel two terms, has coached high school baseball in the Chicago Public League, President of the South Shore Little League, and served on the Region Four National Junior College Athletic Association Baseball Committee. He has also served as coach for the Chicago Public League All-Star Baseball team five (5) times, the Chicago Public/Catholic League and the Region Four National Junior College Athletic All-Star Baseball Team, started and coached the only Junior College baseball programs in the City of Chicago and, for a time, was the only Negro American junior college baseball coach in the State of Illinois and the entire United States.
Learn how you can help donate to this effort to make this vision a reality!
In the last few years Michael has embarked on his life long dream to resurrect the modern version the Negro Baseball Leagues. In 2021, he and his collegues Glenn Draughn and Willie (Cleo) Arrington had their eyes set on the Old Rocky Mount Baseball Field in Rocky Mount, NC. The field has set vacant for over 10 years and although it has played a historical role as it is a site where several famous players have gone on to play in the Big Leagues, no one had expressed any interest in the field until these men came into the picture. Learn more about the ALOOO vision, explore The Coach's program outline and watch the videos of the Nash County School Board bidding process and the continued fight to secure this land on their website at https://aleagueofourown247.com/
ANDL wants to stay connected and grounded with our communities. We want direct input or "targeted advocacy" from our community on things they want our organization to be focused on or highlighted for public transparency. Too often, American Negroes are left out on critical decision making events that take place in our government that directly impacts our daily lives. In the majority of the research that ANDL has been engaged in over the last several months, we’ve found that more often than not that these decisions have generational and lasting effects on our communities and family structures. ANDL wants to ensure we have the pulse of the community and the actual needs of our communities are directly and specifically addressed nationwide.
Learn more about the story and on-going fight Coach Mayden is involved in from the official article that first brought their plight into focus for our community at Black Enterprise below! ANDL would like to thank a well known and longstanding advocate Dawn Alston Paige ,founder of Concerned Black American Citizens, INC., who helped introduce us to this story of Coach Mayden and provided our organization the opportunity to assist and help Coach Mayden share and amplify their story over the Rocky Mount Baseball Field in Rocky Mount, NC.!
Help be apart of history. Help be apart of the change we all seek. The grassroots is our foundation and we intend to be the one organization that truly takes pride in that! Donate to ANDL today and be the “Vanguards of the American Negro & Producing Justice for All.”
You have questions? We got the answers on "all things Negro" as we stand as the premier source on American Negro history. We've compiled the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
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(Office of Management and Budget)
decision to remove the term "Negro" and how you identify with the term personally!